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Internal complaints procedure Villa Yip BV

You have a complaint. Annoying! Shall we try to resolve this together? You can make the complaint known to the group management and/or directly to our office. In this way, we resolve 99,9% of complaints in good consultation. Should we unexpectedly be faced with a dispute that cannot be resolved, we will follow the following internal complaints procedure:

  1. Always submit the complaint formally to us in writing. This can be done by email via You will receive a confirmation of receipt from us that we are processing the complaint.
  2. We will carefully investigate the complaint (within the legal privacy framework) and keep you informed of the progress (both verbally and in writing).
  3. We aim to handle complaints as quickly as possible with a maximum period of 6 working weeks.
  4. For the purpose of the final settlement, you will receive a written judgment from us with (if applicable) a specific term in which the complaint will be resolved. As well as the (possible) measures that will have been realized.
Villa Yip Small-scale familiar personal daycare Veldhoven Eindhoven childcare toddler care

External complaints procedure